The Paris Biofoundry

The Paris Biofoundry is a pioneering research platform that unites the expertise and cutting-edge technology of several prestigious institutions in the Île-de-France region, including Sorbonne, Paris Cité and Paris-Saclay universities, the Micalis and Curie Institutes, the Genopole cluster, and the CNRS, INSERM and INRAE institutions. This collaborative initiative aims to accelerate the field of synthetic biology, enabling the development of advanced biotechnologies and innovative solutions in health, environment, and industry.

The Paris Biofoundry specializes in the engineering of biological systems at large scales. State-of-the-art infrastructure enables designing, building and testing of thousands of genetically engineered chassis in parallel. These resources enable scientists to conduct large-scale experiments with unprecedented precision and efficiency, fostering advancements in areas such as gene editing, fundamental gene characterization, protein production and improvement, and metabolic engineering.

The Biofoundry also plays a critical role in education and training, offering specialized programs for students and researchers. By providing access to its facilities and fostering a collaborative environment, the platform helps to cultivate the next generation of leaders in synthetic biology and related fields. In addition to its scientific contributions, the Paris Biofoundry actively engages with industry partners to translate research findings into practical applications, or to co-develop R&D projects. This collaboration ensures that innovations developed within the Biofoundry have a tangible impact, contributing to the growth of the biotechnology sector in the region and beyond.

Overall, the Paris Biofoundry stands at the forefront of the bioconvergence revolution, driving forward the integration of biological engineering and data science to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. Through its collaborative approach and commitment to excellence, the Paris Biofoundry is poised to make significant contributions to both scientific knowledge and societal issues.

The Paris Biofoundry associates several sites in the Paris Metropolitan area bringing their own experience and expertise:

Learn more about the 4 sites of the Paris Biofoundry here:

The DNA and Microbe Biofoundry

It is where DNA parts are assembled to support all projects, and microbial chassis are engineered and phenotyped.

The Mammalian Biofoundry

This site is dedicated to engineering mammalian cell lines and phenotyping for medical and research uses.

The Cell-free Biofoundry

This platform undertakes cell-free experiments and is developing software solutions to support all projects.

The Industrial Biofoundry

The Genopole platform is responsible for the development of scale-up capabilities and industrial collaborations.

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Executive Committee

  • Dr. Stéphane Lemaire (DR CNRS, UMR7238 Sorbonne Université, founder and director biofonderie de l’Alliance Sorbonne Université, CTO and co-founder Biomemory)
  • Dr. Ariel B. Lindner (DR INSERM, director U1284, co-founder Learning Planet Institute, member administrative council iGEM Foundation, co-coordinator DIM BioconvS), member International bioethics committee (UN/UNESCO)
  • Dr. Pascal Hersen (DR CNRS, director UMR168, Institut Curie, PSL, Sorbonne Université)
  • Dr. Jean Loup Faulon (DR INRAE, UMR1319-MICALIS, UMR8030-iSSB, U. Paris Saclay, Prof. U. Manchester, co-founder Abolis biotechnologies and GDR BioSynSys)
  • Dr. Christophe Lanneau (DR. Directeur recherche et plateforme, Genopole, Vice-President Bioproduction Systematic Paris Region)

The Paris Biofoundry is funded by the Île-de-France region through two distinct grants: the DIM Bioconvergence pour la santé and the Sésame Filière projects.